Tuesday, March 13, 2012


i did it!
i completed my first half marathon....and maybe not my last. the running itself...i wouldn't call my favorite...but the friendships with the fun ladies i was able to go with....ARE my favorite. talk about some amazing women..and their stories!!!!! it just makes me love them even  more.....

before i signed up my sweet friend kira convinced me to sign up, i was a fair weather runner...meaning....if it was too cold or too hot, i chickened out....and by too cold i mean under 65... and too hot meaning over 80! ha! which in turn means, i hardly ever ran. :) AND, between kids schedules and other things(like laziness!), i just wasn't dedicated. the most i had ever run before was about 5 1/2 miles...and i was so dang proud of that...i thought i would die. and that was during the spring about 2 yrs. ago! yikes!

soooo....i knew i would have my work cut out for me once i signed up. but you see, there is this problem i have called..."i am not good at trying/starting something new(or old) until i am forced", so even though for about 4 years,  i have been talking smack about running a half, i never actually DID anything about it and tried to reach my goal.

but...i'll do anything to get to the beach(seaside! woot!) and everything in my power not to waste money...so once i paid my registration...i was IN! :)

i wasn't as good as the rest of my friends about training...i only ran once sometimes twice a week, and then a long run on saturdays..but it did the job. my goal was NOT time, just to continue running the entire time. and THAT i did...(although i probably could have speed walked faster than i was running a few times! ha!)

but...i accomplished MY goal...and that is all that matters. plus i got a cute vera bradley bag for finishing...AND a vera bradley measuring tape. yes, you read that right...and since i'm a furniture hunter...and i already keep a measuring tape in my purse, i was more happy about that than the bag! ha! because who doesn't need a pretty measuring tape????? :)

anyway, i took my camera and got it out exactly one time. and took three terrible pictures. so my entire weekend was documented on various cell phones....which equals vampire eyes in many of them....or was it "too much wine eyes"? anyhoo.....

i'm so thankful to brian who took 2 days off of work and held down the fort while i was gone....and surprised me with a sparkling, shinning, clean as a whistle car....complete with a new sticker on the back that reads....
here are a few moments of our weekend! thanks girls!!

carolyn, kira, nardy
2 days before race

saturday it POURED all day! :(

before race

i did it!


kira, me, leigh
after race beer! :)

leigh, oval head..i mean me, maureen
maureen, kira, me, leigh
new bag


  1. Yay! We made your blog! Thanks for making me laugh out loud! xoxo!

  2. Congratulations Hannah!! You are a better woman than I could ever be. I applaud your ability to run ... I just can't seem to do it. Unless being chased by an axe murderer.

  3. I just found your blog through Simple Thoughts - I just registered for my first 13.1!!! It is not until Nov 10, but now that I have registered...there is no backing out!

    My history with running is a lot like yours, I could have written the first 1/2 of this post! Let's just hope when I do finally write my 13.1 post it includes me finishing!

    This post was encouraging : ) Thank you!
