lainey kicks butt in softball. i L.O.V.E. watching her...especially how fast she has taken to it, since she didn't even start until she was nine...almost ten! why in the world we didn't start her sooner...i'll never know.
i grew up with was our life, so naturally i assumed lainey would play...which she did. but lainey was just too dang nice for soccer. if her and another girl ran to the ball at the same time, lainey would basically let her have the ball...and then turn and smile at us! ha! brian and i used to laugh because she would run up and down the field smiling and smiling....
so we decided to try softball, and BOOM! that's more like it. the very first time she went up to bat, EVER, i was so nervous for her, i thought i would throw up. and she struck out...bless her heart. but then she got rid of the nerves and it was ON after that! here are a few pics from the last game of the season this year!
coach daddy |
hey look! i'm almost right on schedule with being a month late on my posts! at least i'm consistent! ha!
hutt turned five in may and this was his first party with friends. yes, you read that right. FIRST! unlike some of you crazies...i prefer not to have a house full of screaming kids until they are old enough for me to boss around, can feed themselves, and pee on their own. until had only been family...and just so you don't remember and don't care WHO came to their first birthday. it's just extra stress on save your sanity and keep it simple...until they are school age....then it becomes a that i gladly don't participate in!! :)
ok. back to the party. sooo....even though i was throwing a party, i still wanted it simple. and short. which meant hutt invited just the five boys in his preschool class, plus one other friend. we had to decide on a day and time....but since all of his friends play sports on saturday(including us times two) i knew that wouldn't work. then...BINGO! pinterest to the rescue...again. a cereal party. easy peasy. i mentioned it to hutto and he was beyond thrilled...especially since cereal is his favorite food! ( veggies here..thank you very much.) and....since hutt and his friends only go to school three days a week, i decided to have the party on friday morning. wear your pajamas. cereal for the boys. coffee and pastries for the mommies. watch cartoons. eat cereal cake. go home. and the beauty of it all? i still had my entire day free! with a clean house to go alone with it!! well...i'll be! it's a win win for everyone. :)
i bought the most sugary cereals i could know...the ones you NEVER buy your kids but they ask for every.single.time. you go to the store. since i have an obsession with jars, all i had to do was walk into my kitchen and look around. after i dumped out my sugar, flour, coffee, oatmeal, and a few other things, the jars were ready. the container store was a score with clear scoops. the internet provided me with cute labels for the jars. i ordered small cardboard boxes from etsy so the kids could have a "take home" box of cereal. i made the labels for that with paper from my scrap pile. remember how lainey's colors were hot pink, teal, and red? well, i was able to use the same banner and table cloth by just replacing the hot pink with yellow. so hutt's colors were teal, red, and yellow. i found a drink dispenser on clearance at home goods(which of course leaked...but oh well...not EVERYTHING can be perfect, right?) i bought red matching bowls on clearance from target for $.98 for two! but...the best part was the huge rice krispie treat i made into the shape of a cake, then used icing to "glue" froot loops all around the edges! it was a hit!
at the end of the party, i sent the kids home all sugared up and ready to start their day. the end.